
"'Nouvelle Libye' ou 'fin de la Libye'? Les chemins tracés par la transition post-Qadhafi".

in A. BOZZO & P.J. LUIZARD, Vers un nouveau Moyen-Orient? Etats arabes en crise entre logiques de division et sociétés civiles, Roma Tre Press, July 2016.

"And now where will the youth go? Libya three years into the revolution - Views from an outsider".

in MIZAAN, the magazine from Lawyers for Justice in Libya, Summer 2014, Issue 2, pp. 24-26.

"Building an Army to Build the State? The Challenge of Building Security Institutions in post-Qaddafi Libya".

in H. ALBRECHT, A. CROISSANT & F. LAWSON (ed.), Armies and Insurgencies in the Arab Spring, University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 225-240.

"Can the Libyan NTC serve as a model for rebels on other Arab states?".

with Abdelsatar Hetieta, Arab Reform Initiative, February 2011.

"Dialogue, mediation and reconciliation in Libya's local conflicts".

in V. COLLOMBIER, A. FAVIER & L. NARBONE, Inside Wars. Local Dynamics of Conflict in Syria and Libya, 2016.

"Libya's political dialogue needs more security content".

Arab Reform Initiative, September 2015.

"Make Politics, Not War: Armed Groups and Political Competition in Post-Qaddafi Libya".

in B. KODMANI & N. MOUSSA, Out of the inferno? Rebuilding Security in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, Arab Reform Initiative, 2017.

"Make Politics, Not War: Armed Groups and Political Competition in post-Qaddafi Libya".

in Out of the Inferno? Rebuidling Security in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, Arab Reform Initiative, August 2017.

"New elites and the reality of power in post-Qadhafi Libya".

Paper presented at the Middle East Studies Association conference, Washington DC, 24 November 2014.

"Once and For All a New Compromise in Libya?".

Commentary, ISPI, February 2017.

"Salafi Politics: 'political' and 'quietist' Salafis in the struggle for the Libyan state".

Project research report, Middle East Directions / Norwegian Institute for International Affairs, December 2020.

"The Power Struggle behind the New 'Battle of Sirte'".

Arab Reform Initiative, September 2016.

'Modernizing’ political parties: the National Democratic Party of Egypt on the path of British New Labor?.
'Modernizing’ political parties: the National Democratic Party of Egypt on the path of British New Labor?.

in E. KIENLE (ed.), Democracy Building and Democracy Erosion. Political Change North and South of the Mediterranean, London, Saqi, 2009, pp. 59-77.


“Libya: moving beyond the transition mood”..
“Libya: moving beyond the transition mood”..

MENARA Future Notes, No. 11, April 2018.

“Militarization and militia-ization: dynamics of armed groups proliferation in Egypt and Libya”..
“Militarization and militia-ization: dynamics of armed groups proliferation in Egypt and Libya”..

with Rasmus Alenius Boserup, MENARA Working Papers, No. 17, October 2018.

“To engage or not to engage? Libyan Salafis and State Institutions”....
“To engage or not to engage? Libyan Salafis and State Institutions”....

HYRES Research Note, Norwegian Institute for International Affairs, May 2019 (with Fiona Barsoum).

Egypt: before and after.

Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Center, 5 February 2011

Egypte. L'envers du décor, by Sophie Pommier.

in Le Monde Diplomatique, August 2008

Egypte: les Frères musulmans et la bataille pour le pouvoir..

in Politique Etrangère, 2012/3 (Autumn), September 2012.

Entre les Etats-Unis et les talibans, Musharraf doit choisir.

in Alternatives Internationales, n°36, September 2007 (with Yann Mens)

Gamal Moubarak et le Parti national démocratique égyptien, ou la stratégie du désastre..

in Outre-Terre. Revue européenne de géopolitique, Paris, 2011/3, n° 29.

Inside Wars. Local Dynamics of Conflict in Syria and Libya.
Inside Wars. Local Dynamics of Conflict in Syria and Libya.

V. COLLOMBIER, A. FAVIER & L. NARBONE (Eds.), European University Institute, 2016.

Le cri de révolte de la jeunesse égyptienne..

in Alternatives Internationales, n°28, October 2005

Les Frères musulmans face au défi de l’exercice du pouvoir..

Institut Français des Relations Internationales, 25 July 2012

Libyan's longing for a state.

Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Center, 18 March 2013.

Politics without parties? Political change and democracy building in Egypt before and after the revolution.

EUI Working Paper MWP 2013/33, Florence, European University Institute, 2013

Private Security... Not a Business Like any Other.

Arab Reform Initiative, September 2011

Quand le Parti National Démocratique se transforme en parti... Bilan d'étape..
Quand le Parti National Démocratique se transforme en parti... Bilan d'étape..

in H. AOUARDJI & H. LEGEAY (ed.), Chroniques égyptiennes 2007, Cairo, CEDEJ, 2008, pp. 41-62.

Tribes and Global Jihadism.
Tribes and Global Jihadism.

(ed. with Olivier Roy), Hurst Publishers, 2017

Tunísia, Egipto, que modelos para as transições no mundo árabe?.

in Finisterra, Res Publica Foundation, Lisbon, Autumn/Winter 2011, n° 71-72, pp. 41-58.